Why yes, yes I have. Many times.

 The title of this post is the answer to a question posed in a blog by my friend Tim:
"Have you ever cried in the supermarket? In a foreign country?"
I wanted to share his blog because he did a great job capturing my feelings - the sadness and happiness that goes along with having divided loyalties, i.e. Arizona is home because my family is there, NO, South Africa is home because I spend 90% of my time there and my calling is there.  Wait, NO, Santa Cruz is home because my heart is there.  No.  My heart is in all 3.
Also glad to read that Tim's trip with me to Zambia and Tanzania were not listed on his "worse moments on the road" list.  (See I'll-take-games-you-play-on-train-for $500 Alex for a reminder of why I thought it might qualify for the list.)
Enjoy Tim's writing....

